Screen South Information Day
24 February 2005 – Oxford
Please reply to Screen South not OFVM
Information Days give you an insight into Screen South, the RIFE Open Fund process, other schemes and funding available to you as well as a chance to take part in a workshop with an industry professional. You also get a chance to have a one to one session to discuss your project with Screen South staff at an early stage.
Screen South encourages people in the region who are hoping to apply for funding to attend an Information Day.
To register free of charge, please submit 25 words or less about your project/ideas, along with contact details to:
If you do register, more details will be emailed to you the week before.
When you apply, you will not be guaranteed a panel interview if you have not attended a Screen South information Day. Please contact the Screen South office if you need this clarified.
Screen South
Shearway Business Park
Shearway Road
Kent CT19 4RH
Tel 01303 298222 Fax 01303 298227
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