Film Oxford is run on a day-to-day basis by the Executive Team:
Geron Swann. Centre Director/Development Geron came to Film Oxford via the Trades Council in 1987 and has been with the organisation ever since. He oversees organisational development and manages the iCreative platform, holiday workshops and community screenings. He is Location Oxfordshire manager and general spokesperson for Film Oxford.
Gary Shenton. Production Development Gary has been at Film Oxford for over a decade. In his role as Production Development Manager he has produced or overseen the production of over 40 short films, many of them receiving national and international festival exposure. He has exec-produced features including the highly acclaimed ‘Anyone Can Play Guitar’ and the award-winning ‘Thank You Skinhead Girl’.
Richard Duriez. Adult Training, Shadowlight Artists, Finance, IT & Office Manager. Richard has worked at Film Oxford for more than 15 years. He has more than 10 broadcast credits to his name for documentaries (Producer, Director, Editor, Researcher). He has produced numerous non-broadcast productions for NGOs and non-profits as well as short films and two features. He manages Film Oxford’s programme of adults’ courses that train over 300 people each year. He founded, fundraises for, and manages the multi-award winning Shadowlight Artists (professional artists with learning disabilities) with artist Chris Oakley. He also oversees Film Oxford’s finance, IT and other activities.
Nicola Josse. Production Manager. Nicola joined Film Oxford as a freelance film maker in 2009 and joined the staff team in 2017 to develop new project and production work. In 2019, she initiated the FLUX Moving Image Platform, for artists to create new work while supporting work experience placements. In 2020, Nicola took on the role as Production Manager for our in-house production company, where all proceeds go back into supporting our charitable project work with young people & communities.
Evie Sherry-Starmer. Administrator. Evie grew up in Oxford’s Community Arts scene, and her professional background is in university administration. She supports all of Film Oxford’s day-to-day activities and works closely with the Shadowlight Artists.