You are warmly invited to the premiere screening event of ‘Going Out ComingOut’. This short film explores LGBTQ+ lIfe and going out in Oxford in the 70’s and early 80’s.
Tuesday 6th of August 2pm – 4pm at the Museum of Oxford, Oxford Town Hall, St Aldate’s, Oxford OX1 1BX
2pm: Arrival & Refreshments
2.30pm: Film Screening followed by Q+A
The film was created on the iCreative Course at Film Oxford. This is an intergenerational group of young people 16-25 not in full time education or employment working alongside older participants 50+
The project is funded by The National Heritage Lottery Fund in partnership with the Museum of Oxford (Oxford City Council) and Oxfordshire History Centre (Oxfordshire County Council)
Please let us know if you will be coming by email office@filmoxford.org – but if you are not able to, please do come anyway.
We hope to see you there.