The Documentary Filmmakers Group is the national organisation working to promote documentary filmmaking talent and innovation in the UK. They are the leading provider of industry-focused training for established and aspiring documentary filmmakers. Unusually for a training provider, they are directly linked to a production company, the award-winning Mosaic Films.
DFG organises exclusive events and networking opportunities for those looking to get ahead in documentary filmmaking. These range from evening sessions where filmmakers can get feedback on their works-in-progress from fellow documentary filmmakers, to special pitching opportunities run in partnership with Sheffield Doc/Fest, the BBC and EDN, amongst others.
With support from the British Council, DFG is also the brains and brawn behind – the one-stop globalshop for documentary news, events and resources. In addition they also run the DFG Community, which gives members insiders tips on the latest jobs and opportunities, and great deals on screenings, events, courses and lots more.
For further information on DFG’s work please visit:
In addition to being the editor of, the world’s largest online documentary resource, Kerry is a documentary filmmaker and writer, and also heads up DFG membership. Kerry’s interest in the 2012 Olympics borders on obsession and to date she has made two films on the subject. She has recently completed a short documentary about tea – For All The Tea In England – and also writes reviews and features for several film publications, including 6 Degrees Film. As part of her work for DFG, Kerry produces a host of events and initiatives, from the Britain Recut project in partnership with Channel 4 and the BFI, to DFG Newcomers Day in partnership with Sheffield Doc/Fest. She is also responsible for organising documentary screenings and the groundbreaking 10×10 initiative where filmmakers can get feedback on their current work-in-progress from fellow documentary filmmakers.
Kerry will be discussing DFG and the wide range of work it undertakes to promote innovation and talent in documentary filmmaking in the UK and overseas. She will discuss the various routes into documentaries and outline DFG’s upcoming initiatives for new and emerging filmmakers. There will also be a short screening of recent work from the DFG.
If you need further information email: sue@ or phone 01865 792731
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