OFVM Film Oxford are pleased to announced that films made through the Production Award scheme and on the Shooting Documentary course will be screened as part of the Oxdox International Film Festival.
The festival takes place from April21st to 29th at the Ultimate Picture Palace (Jeune Street, just off the Cowley Road). www.oxdox.com
OFVM Film Oxford films:
Film Oxford Production Award Dance on Screen
Tuesday 21st April 2pm
Into Your Arms – Ruth Pethybridge
An intimate look at Argentinian Tango that attemps to go beyond the sterotypes and to get inside the dance and it’s illusive embrace, revealing why it can be a powerful and healing dance.
Nietzsche’s Oxygen – Fiona Millward, Jo Fairfax
A visually eloquent yet melancholic film that draws on animated image, text, movement and sound.
A Letter to Love – Josephine Lott, Dave Motion
There are so many ways to talk these days, and still never say the right things.
Tuesday 21st April 7.50pm
Shooting Documentary Course films
Frideswide’s Gift
Frideswide was a 7th century Saxon Princess who founded a convent in Oxford, the short film looks at the story and the influence of the woman who is remembered as the patron saint of Oxford.
Bronze Eyes
Bronze Castings can be found buried in the pavement all along the Cowley Road, the film explores the relevance and meaning of ‘pavement jewellery and the stories and mysteries behind them.
Howie’s Way
The Magdalen Bridge Boatyard is a famous fixture in Oxford and one family has been hiring out punts there for 3 generations. We take a look at the techniques involved in punting and the stories surrounding this enduring pastime.
A Drawer Full of Spoons
The Pitt Rivers Museum cares for one of the world’s great collections. It is equally famous for its celebrated displays and its leading role in contemporary research and museum curatorship. The film explores the contents and activities of Oxford’s famous ethnographic museum.
Monday 27th April
Film Oxford Production Award Dance on Screen
TripSwitch – Naomi Morris
TripSwitch explores the body in motion, the movement of light and the camera. Its intense soundtrack and fast cutting pace assulys the senses, puts you on edge and tests your breaking point.
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