3 Day Video Production Course
This new 3 day introduction to video-making covers the whole process of video production from the initial idea through to a finished film. This weekday, daytime course is designed for people wishing to make their first step into video production. The learners will be given a written brief to produce a short advert for a community organsiation. They will then work together to develop the idea, shoot it on our digital equipment, and then edit the film with Adobe Premiere computer software.
What you will do?
Learners on this course will gain knowledge and experience by working on a live “hands-on” intensive project over 3 days. They will make a shoot promotional advert for a local community group or organisation that will be put on to Youtube. The tutor will support learners throughout and all equipment will be provided.
Who is it aimed at?
Anyone interested in learning about film and video production who wants to take weekday daytime course. The course is heavily subsidised for people on certain benefits, only £40 (Via Oxfordshire Skills and Learning Service).
Zoe Broughton is an award-winning filmmaker with twenty years experience of covering direct action and filming for charity groups. She has won The British Environmental Media Award ‘Scoop of the Year’, the International Brigitte Bardot Genesis Award in Hollywood and the EarthVision Environmental Film and Video Competition in Santa Cruz.
She has worked on films that have been used to allow Young Carers to voice their needs, educate people on HIV/AIDS, and to build community cohesion in a disadvantaged area. She has also worked in the mainstream media such as a camerawoman for the BBC and for Reuters Business News.
Wednesday 10th, Thursday 11th & Friday 12th December 2014 9.30am – 2.45pm
£121.50 (includes10 per cent early booking discount if booked by 30th November 2014- EU citizens)
£135 Subsidised rate for EU citizens
£160 Full price for non-EU citizens. (Non-Eu citizens with indefinite leave to remain , or resident in UK or EU for more than 3 years can pay subsidised rate – proof required.)
£40.00 -Discount for people on benefits, proof required: ESA (income related); Income Support; Working Tax Credit (not child tax credit); Council Tax Benefit (not student/single person/reduction due to disability); Housing Benefit; Pension Credit (guarantee); Unwaged Dependent.
(We will also accept JSA but only if you are not in receipt of one of the above, i.e. the other benefit proofs are preferred. Please email us to request a JSA discount).
All Equipment is provided for this course.
This is one of our adult training courses so please note that participants need to be sixteen years and above, for information about all of our youth activities see Youth page
Course Outline
DAY 1.
Introduction to video production and first look at the video cameras. Camera shot types and camera movements, developing ideas for shoot, discussing ideas on form, style and content. Further hands-on camera training, including Sound recording and practice with microphones.
DAY 2.
The group will go out onto location to shoot their production. During the shoot every member of the group rotates production roles, taking it in turns to direct, operate the camera, set up the lights and sound record, etc. Afterwards the group will watch videos back and take notes.
DAY 3.
The group will edit their Advert for a local community project using Adobe Premiere software and upload it to YouTube.