BFI Film Academy – Film Oxford 2015
Film Oxford are pleased to announce that we will again be working with the British Film Institute (BFI) to deliver the BFI Film Academy – Film Oxford.
The programme is for talented young people between the ages of 16 and 19 who are interested in developing a career in the film, digital and creative industries.
Activities will include:
- working with professional filmmakers to make short films
- using industry standard equipment to produce short films
- learning skills in camera work, grip, sound recording and post production
- masterclasses with industry professional from film, TV and the gaming sectors
- viewing and understanding British film
- developing observation and critiquing skills
- developing and pitching creative proposals
- visiting leading film and capture studios
- visiting a leading film school
- developing a personal progression plan
You will work towards gaining a Silver Arts Award. The Arts Award is a recognised qualification amongst employers, colleges and universities.
You will also get a Certificate of Achievement from the BFI in recognition of completing the course.
The course will run over 10 days throughout October and November 2015, spread over weekends and the half term.
The cost of the course is £25 but don’t be put off if you think you might struggle to pay the fee as if you are accepted on the course this fee can be waived.
Full details and application forms will be available from mid August if you require any further information please contact Gary Shenton on